Explore Every Opportunity
Dig deeper into exciting agriculture careers with interactive careers pages and the MyCareer Quiz.
Start Exploring Career Focus Areas
Agribusiness Systems
Connect the business world and agriculture with a variety of diverse careers.
Agricultural Education Systems
Prepare students to be successful in their agricultural professions.
Agriculture Technology Systems
Using technology in a variety of fields to increase yield, efficiency, and profitability.
Animal Systems
Work directly with animals or with products that come from animals.
Career Focus Examples Animal Breeder Bloodstock Agent Farrier Herd Nutritionist
Biotechnology Systems
Enhance plants, animals and microorganisms to help solve global issues.
Career Focus Examples Climate Change Analyst Environmental Engineer Geologist Hydrologist
Environmental Service Systems
Combine science and engineering to make Earth a cleaner and healthier place.
Career Focus Examples Climate Change Analyst Environmental Engineer Geologist Hydrologist
Food Products and Processing Systems
Work with the physical, chemical and biological make-up of foods.
Career Focus Examples Fermentation Scientist Food Scientist Food Stylist Formulator
Develop, maintain and manage Earth's natural environments.
Career Focus Examples Conservationist Ethanol Engineer Forester Game Warden
Plant Systems
Understand plants and explore how they impact our world.
Power, Structural and Technical Systems
Apply technology and science while working with equipment.
Career Focus Examples Construction Foreman Data Analyst Design Engineer Hydraulic Technician
Skilled Trades Systems
The application of specialized knowledge, abilities, and hands-on skills.
Career Focus Examples Assembly Technician Carpenter/Laborer Heavy Duty Equipment Technician Mechanic
Sustainability Systems
Looking at a balance between economic concerns and impact to the environment.
Discover the dream job
you didn't know existed.
How would you describe yourself?
I'm talkative and outgoing.
I like alone time, but I also like to be around people.
I don't like speaking in front of large groups, but I enjoy interacting with a small group of people.
I like to be on my own most of the time.
Agricultural Education
AgExplorer is a robust, comprehensive career resource to help you explore the broad range of careers within the industry of agriculture brought to you by the National FFA Organization.Agriculture has a variety and abundance of careers that fit within nine exciting career focus areas. Careers may have you using advanced equipment, creating new hybrid seeds, raising animals, managing people or designing new products and packaging.
The industry of agriculture can open up a world of possibilities, and the demand for professionals in every agricultural area is high.
Learn more about which career may be right for you by watching the videos, exploring the career pages and completing the Career Finder interactive.
Virtual Field Trips
Go beyond the walls of your classroom and into leading agricultural organizations to gain a firsthand account of the diverse career opportunites within the agricultural industry.