Change of Major/Minor
You can declare or change your degree immediately upon entering Liberty University. Declaring or changing a degree does not imply acceptance into programs such as aviation, nursing, respiratory therapy, teacher licensure, or athletic training. Such programs have specific requirements before acceptance is granted.
Procedures for Declaring or Changing Your Degree or Minor
- Visit the Change of Major/Minor online request form
- Minors are not applicable for associate-level, graduate-level, post-graduate-level, doctoral-level, or certificate-seeking students.
- Degrees/Minors changed after the start of classes of each semester will NOT be effective until the following semester.
- Changes to your degree/minor will not be permitted once you start your final courses for the current semester and have a Degree Completion Application on file.
- ResidentialFreshmen & Sophomores with questions about advising or course scheduling should check with their CASAS Professional Advisor.
- ResidentialJuniors & Seniors with questions about advising or course scheduling should check with their Faculty Advisor.
- All Online students with questions about advising or course scheduling should check with Academic Advising.
- All Undergraduatestudents with questions about degree requirements should check with their Academic Evaluator.
- All Graduate and Doctoralstudents with questions about degree requirements should check with their Academic Evaluator.
Special Notes
Virginia residents should verify that their VTAG will not be impacted prior to declaring or changing their major.